
Dedicated to
Aranka Fábos Héviziné
& Gyula Fábos

Written, produced, and created by
Bettina Fabos
Historical Advising and Editing
Leslie Waters
and Kristina Poznan
Dana Potter
Collin Cahill
Jacob Espenscheid
Connor Thorson
Isaac Campbell

Story Reviewers
Anita Haüsermann Fábos, Ph.D.
Christopher Martin, Ph.D.
Judit Hegedűs
Judy Polumbaum, Ph.D.
Leisl Carr Childers, Ph.D.
Matt Kollasch
Éva Petrás, Ph.D.
Renata Sack
Julius Gyula Fábos, Ph.D.
László Hévizi, Ph.D.
Stephanie Clohesy

Historical Consultation
Judit Hegedűs
Zsuzsa Bognár
Károly Jókay, Ph.D.
Hanga Gebauer
Mihály Huszár
Éva Domotor
János Horváth
Piroska Nagy
Tibor Frank, Ph.D.
Tamás Suchman
László Fassang
Miklós Tamási
Béla Szabó
Michele Shedlin, Ph.D.
Kamill Kámán
Dr. Miklós Köszeghy, DDS
Dr. Kristian Lundgren-Koszeghy, DMD
Vilmos Somogyi
Nóra Gál, Ph.D.

Photo Archival Research
Miklós Tamási
Co-Founder and Curator
Robert Parnica
Senior Reference Archivist
Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives
Judit Hegedűs
Reference Archivist
Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives
Judit Izinger
Senior Records Officer
Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives
Zsuzsa Zádori
Senior Audiovisual Archivist
Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives
Hanga Gebauer
Curator, Photo Collection
Museum of Ethnography (Budapest)Ω
Judit Dorottya Csorba
Curator, Film and Photo Collection
Museum of Ethnography (Budapest)
Éva Fisli, Ph.D.
Curator, Historical Photo Department
Hungarian National Museum
Katalin Bognár, Ph.D.
Photo-historian, Curator, Historical Photo Department
Hungarian National Museum
Tibor Sándor
Department Head
Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library
Adrienne Dávid
Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library
Márton Kurutz
Head of Collections and Research
Hungarian National Film Archive
Dorottya Szörényi
International Promotion and Sales
Hungarian National Film Archive
Éva Petrás, Ph.D.
The State Security Historical Archives
Péter Pőcz
Photo Collections
Military Institute and Museum
Mihály Huszár
Marcali Municipal Historical Museum
György Danku, Ph.D.
Map Historian
National Széchényi Library
András Szécsényi
Photo Collections
Holocaust Memorial Center
Gyöngyi Farkas, Ph.D.
Museum and Library of Hungarian Agriculture
Éva Vörös
Museum and Library of Hungarian Agriculture
István Moldován
Department Head
National Széchényi Library
Susan Gangl
Associate Librarian
O. Meredith Wilson Library
University of Minnesota

Participating Archives
Bibliothèque nationale de France
British Library - Illuminated Manuscripts
Central State Cinophotophone Archives of Ukraine
Croatian State Archive
FIFA Films
Great War Primary Document Archive: Photos of the Great War
Holocaust Memorial Center |
Holokauszt Emlékközpont
The Hungarian Electronic Library |
Magyar Electronikus Konyvtár
Hungarian National Film Archive |
Magyar Nemzeti Filmarchívum |
Film Híradók Online
Hungarian National Museum |
Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum
Hungarian State Security Historical Archives |
Állambiztonsági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltára
Hungarian University of Fine Arts |
Magyar Képzőművészeti
Imperial War Museums
International Institute of Social History |
International Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis
Internet Archive
Kunsthistorisches Museum |
KHM-Museumsverband, Vienna
Laczkó Dezső Museum, Veszprém
Library and Information
Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtár és Információs Központ
Library of Congress
London School of Economics Digital Library
Marcali Municipal Historical Museum |
Marcali Városi Helytörténeti Múzeum
Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library |
Fővárosi Szabó Ervin Könyvtár
Military Institute and Museum |
Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum
Museum of Ethnography |
Néprajzi Múzeum
National Museum of Health and Medicine
National Széchényi Library
New York Public Library
O. Meredith Wilson Library
University of Minnesota
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Romanian Academy Library
Sueddeutscher Zeitung Bilderdienst
SZTE Klebelsberg Könyvtár
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
UPI/Bettmann/Bettmann Archive
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives |
OSA Archívum
Visual History Archive/SHOAH Foundation
War Office, British Government
Wolfsonian—Florida International University
Yad Vashem: The World Holocaust Remembrance Center
As well as the personal collections of Gyula Fábos, Aranka Fábos Héviziné, Bettina Fabos, Tibor Jankovics, the Puchner Family, Tamás Rácz, Renata Sack, Michelle Shedlin, Tamás Suchman, Béla Szabó, Leslie Waters, and Matthew Wilson.

Translation & Transcriptions
Liza Bognár
Zsuzsa Bognár
Réka Juhász
George Greskovits, Ph.D.
Olivia Fabos Martin
Dorottya Hévizi
Voice Over
Zsuzsa Bognár
Technical Support
Peter Yezek
Keith Kennedy
Code Support
John Doughty

Nicholas Appleget
Brendan Benson
Hannah Krogh
Adrian Mitchell
Zane Phillips
Funding Support
Fulbright Hungary
Hungary Initiatives Foundation
University of Northern Iowa

I doubt I will ever find another collaborative team so breathtakingly talented as the team that built this project: Collin Cahill, Isaac Campbell, Jacob Espenscheid, Dana Potter, Kristina Poznan, and Leslie Waters – thank you for your supreme intelligence, spirit, wit, endless dedication, and beautiful friendship.
I would also like to thank my sister, Anita Haüsermann Fábos, for initiating this project with me, organizing and conducting our first interviews, and helping me think through the facets of our family tree. Thank you too, to my cousin László Hévizi for the unbelievable support and guidance through our family archives. And thank you to my immediate family members, Christopher Martin, Olivia, and Sabine, who supported me as I crafted this project.
My enduring appreciation goes to all of the archivists who spent time and energy digitizing the nearly one thousand images and artifacts that make up Proud & Torn. 42 archives are represented here, nearly all of them connected to museums and libraries. All of these resources shaped my early research and then became significant sources for visualizing the multiple storylines I was trying to tell about Hungary, and specifically, about rural Hungary.
No photo archive has been more important to Proud & Torn, however, than Fortepan. Curated by Miklós Tamási, this incomparable archive features the amateur photos of everyday Hungarians and is a lyrical journey into Hungary’s past. More than a third of the photographs in this project come from Fortepan. In fact, the archive became such an inspiration that I worked with Tamási and my own colleagues Leisl Carr Childers, Sergey Golitsynskiy, and Noah Doely at the University of Northern Iowa to launch its first sister site, Fortepan Iowa, in 2015.
Finally, many thanks to numerous friends and family members who helped in big and small ways to assist this project: Ilona Antal, Mercédesz Pápai, Edith Fabos, Nóra Gál, Márta Nagy, Matthew Wilson, Jonathan Chenoweth, Jason Paulsen, Andy Van Fleet, Jason Thompson, Matt Johnson, Mark Doeden, Fernando Calderon, Yasemin Sari, Kate Dunning, Jean McDonald, and Emily Gioielli.